Wednesday 17 November 2010

Don't confine me...

I have only recently come across this blog but this post is interesting. 

To my mind, the greatest benefit of the internet is how it helps you find new stuff; what a shame it would be then if, wherever we go, algorithms determined what we had looked at before and just fed us more of the same.

Certainly it’s comforting to visit sites regularly and know what you are going to get; I keep going back to the same pub and coffee shop because I like what’s there and know what to expect. 

But I also like to try new things and to be surprised by them.  But when I go about in the real world and come across new things, I am anonymous until I choose to reveal who I am or my interest in something. 

On the web, my Google or facebook profiles go before me; that’s not just ‘sad’ in the sense of being disappointing but also, it’s frustrating in how it limits what I can find and so limits how I can change and develop precisely because I come into contact with new things…

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